Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why you need to do SEO? It is simply because you needed a larger traffic in your website. And getting lot of traffic means more money in your pocket.

 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of getting the first place in search results. When people needed information, they usually go to search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. They enter the thing they wanted to get or find in the search bars and these search engines display the result from the most relevant to the least.

Doing SEO of your online store or website gets you recognize by search engines. When you optimized your site, you submit your website to search engine and they visit your site through crawlers – the software search engines used to view your files, assess and get the most dominant word that search engine view as what your site is all about.

SEO gets you a ticket to be found and get the top place for search engine results. Being on the top spot is very important since nearly 80% of online searchers click on the first result to get the information they needed.

 In 2010, online sales are growing by at least 30%. This tells us that many people prefer to shop online than drive to the stores. So getting these people to buy from your site is very crucial for your business success and survival. SEO is usually free. Some search engines site charge you for a particular fee to get your site included in search results.

SEO is not all about getting your site to rank first. Yes, people click on the first search result but if you do not have a good content, most likely they will not stay longer, exit your site and click on the second result.

Ranking first in search result is not permanent. When you rank first today, it doesn’t mean you’ll get the top spot again by next week or even on the next hour. You must always keep your web content updated and friendly for search engine crawlers. Optimizing your site is a life-long process. As long as you still have your site, you must do SEO. When you do SEO, always bear in mind that you must have an excellent content and a welcoming atmosphere on your site. You might not rank first next time but at least your site visitor will remember your URL for the excellent content and product you have.

 SEO is very important to your business. Your market is the whole globe so you must do every means on how to make people visit your site. With SEO, every site has a fair chance to rank on search engines. All you need to do is constant updating of your website content and provide an excellent environment for your site visitors. This way, you will not only get traffic by ranking first on search engines but by word of mouth, blogs and testimonials from your previous customers as well.

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