Thursday, November 22, 2012

Important Factor You Must Know About SEO

Anyone who has an online business may be quick to jump into several SEO techniques, thinking that these will be a quick opportunity for internet success. If you think however that SEO can be accomplished in a jiffy, you’re bound to be disappointed. There are important factors you must know about search engine optimization. This includes the things to avoid, the things needed to generate a higher page rank, and finally the elements present in most excellent SEO services. 

First of all, overloading your site with keywords is not always a smart thing to do. Sure, you want to communicate your offering or your service as much as you can, and to drive the targeted traffic back to your site. Who would not want that? However, too many keywords may end up overwhelming your market. Oftentimes, it is not always about keywords but the strategic placement of the keywords as well. 

Filling your site with second-rate, plagiarized content is another way to sabotage the performance of your efforts. People are quick to recognize clichés and formulaic phrases, and if they don’t get anything fresh and useful from the website content, they will have to look for them from the next site, or the competition. 

Link farming is another SEO technique that always ends up being abused. This involves a group of websites utilizing hyperlinks on their pages, all pointing back to every other site page within the group, with the goal of engendering more traffic and increased rankings in search engines. While these may work in the beginning, the long-term consequences of this strategy will be anything but beneficial for the websites. 

Don’t fret, however because there are many ways with which you can increase your ranking consistently and effectively. If you have an easily navigable site that’s filled with high quality content, you are certain to attract a loyal following from your targeted visitors. 

A website that is too complicated for the average internet user will limit its reach and will be able to provide for a specific niche only. As much as possible, maintain a website that has navigation-friendly features and one that people can easily maneuver. In the same manner, if the site contains relevant and well-researched content, visitors are bound to stick around a bit longer. 

You can also submit high quality articles to article submission sites, so as to generate increased traffic. Well-written articles have higher chances of being accepted in these submission sites. Once you are able to provide excellent information to the readers through the articles, they will be more inclined to click on the link to your website provided at the bottom of each article. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Building Natural Links For SEO

Google has made several changes to their algorithm to better improve their search engine and the majority of the time when they are making changes it is to fix bad practices or black hat practices of internet marketers.

In 2007 Google made some changes to the algorithm to not put much weight to those website who purchase paid links on other high PageRank websites. There were some companies who were in the business of brokering paid links and text links.

Those who were getting websites high in the search engines by buying links were then penalized and many of them dropped emphatically in the search engines. Some have wondered why Google would make such changes in the algorithm.

The foundation of Google’s algorithm is to rank websites that have grown and built up naturally without some type of detection, or in other words Google does not like to be fooled or schemed. In order to better their algorithm they look to find websites that grow in popularity because users think a website is popular, not because that website is buying their way up the search results so to speak.

So the goal is to make your website have incoming links that look natural.

Here are some examples of inbound links that look unnatural:

Site 1: Has 200 links that are all coming from high PageRank websites. This looks unnatural.

Site 2: Has 200 links that are all coming from PageRank 0 websites. These links are not going to pass high link reputation and will not increase your rankings high.

Here is an example of inbound links that look natural:

Site 1: Has 200 inbound links and there is a mixture of PR 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. This looks more natural and will fair better than the site with all 200 links from a PR 4 website.

Site 2: Has 200 inbound links that point to several pages within the domain and not to just one page.

The next step is having the anchor text links not be all the same. For example if you are going after the keyword “web design” and all 200 links that are incoming links have the anchor text “web design” then that does not look natural.

It is best to have a variety of anchor text for your incoming links in order to make it look more natural.

The next thing in building natural inbound links is to have the inbound links point to several pages within the website and not all of them to same page. Having deep links meaning links to subpages and not all of them to the home page will make your inbound links look more natural.

It is also crucial when building natural inbound links that they do not happen all at once in a short period of time and then stop. Especially for new websites it is imperative to not build incoming links at a very fast pace as this looks highly unnatural.

Building natural inbound links is essential in any SEO campaign. As the search engine’s algorithm sees that the inbound links to a website look more natural then they will respect the website more.

As you build natural inbound links your website will look more natural to the search engines and will gain higher respect and authority. Plus as the search engines make constant changes to their algorithm you will not be penalized if you are doing something that looks unnatural, shady, or black hat.

The only constant thing with search engines is change and you have to always be aware that change will come on an ongoing basis.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why you need to do SEO? It is simply because you needed a larger traffic in your website. And getting lot of traffic means more money in your pocket.

 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of getting the first place in search results. When people needed information, they usually go to search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. They enter the thing they wanted to get or find in the search bars and these search engines display the result from the most relevant to the least.

Doing SEO of your online store or website gets you recognize by search engines. When you optimized your site, you submit your website to search engine and they visit your site through crawlers – the software search engines used to view your files, assess and get the most dominant word that search engine view as what your site is all about.

SEO gets you a ticket to be found and get the top place for search engine results. Being on the top spot is very important since nearly 80% of online searchers click on the first result to get the information they needed.

 In 2010, online sales are growing by at least 30%. This tells us that many people prefer to shop online than drive to the stores. So getting these people to buy from your site is very crucial for your business success and survival. SEO is usually free. Some search engines site charge you for a particular fee to get your site included in search results.

SEO is not all about getting your site to rank first. Yes, people click on the first search result but if you do not have a good content, most likely they will not stay longer, exit your site and click on the second result.

Ranking first in search result is not permanent. When you rank first today, it doesn’t mean you’ll get the top spot again by next week or even on the next hour. You must always keep your web content updated and friendly for search engine crawlers. Optimizing your site is a life-long process. As long as you still have your site, you must do SEO. When you do SEO, always bear in mind that you must have an excellent content and a welcoming atmosphere on your site. You might not rank first next time but at least your site visitor will remember your URL for the excellent content and product you have.

 SEO is very important to your business. Your market is the whole globe so you must do every means on how to make people visit your site. With SEO, every site has a fair chance to rank on search engines. All you need to do is constant updating of your website content and provide an excellent environment for your site visitors. This way, you will not only get traffic by ranking first on search engines but by word of mouth, blogs and testimonials from your previous customers as well.

SEO Importance in your Website

Did you ever wonder how search engine works? How they give your search results from the words you enter in the search bars like that of Google and Yahoo?

This search results are not randomly provided for you. They are actually ranked from the most relevant to your search to the least one. This process of ranking is SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

What is the important of SEO?

 Is SEO important? SEO is not only important. It is very crucial for the success of your business. When you published your website, you can have flashy and eye catching images or content. However, if you do not optimize it for SEO, it is better to delete that site of yours. It is like a hidden paradise, it is there, but people can’t locate it.

When you do SEO, it is like promoting your website. Though there are many ways promote your site, optimizing your site is usually free of charge. Doing SEO for your site will let you ranked higher on search engines and getting rank first and getting ranked as number one is very important because people usually click on the first item they see on search results and this means more customers, more site visitors and more profit.

 How useful is SEO for your business?

The main purpose of SEO is to have large traffic for your website through search engines. However, this traffic might not be your target audience so you must be able to screen your site visitors by effective keyword search.

 When you do SEO, search engine crawlers assess your website and they look for the dominant words they find on every page and tag it as the description for your site. These words are called keywords. This means that if the dominant word they find your site is ‘buying pets’, then when somebody enter this word in search engine, your site have a good chance of winning the top spot.

 But you must also take into consideration that many people might have used the same words in their own site as well. This means competition for the word ‘buying pets’ is very tough. You can’t just flood your content with this word for search engines might ban you for it. So you must only use these words occasionally so that you won’t have problems. Search Engines only allow at least 4-5% of keyword density. Since many people have use the keywords ‘buying pets’, you might as well venture to less famous words like ‘buying Labrador dog , buying Persian cats’ and etc. Your target traffic is people so must think what your audience might be using as words to search your site.

SEO is very important for online businesses. Your market is the whole globe and the competition is very tough. Doing SEO for your site is very hard itself but if you find your site is on the top spot, it is all worth the time and effort. You will have more conversion rates, more site visitors and more customers.